🏠 vigrey.com

Important (Breaking) Changes to My Blog and RSS Feed

2023-09-27 - [52] 7:11

You might have noticed that my blog is now called "Journal". The reason I decided to do this is because my site is available over the Web, Gemini, and Gopher, so calling the collection of these posts my "blog" felt incorrect for everything outside of the web version of the site. There are terms used for Gopher and Gemini as well, as seen below:

"Journal" sounds much more cohesive and more protocol agnostic to me, so that's what I'm going with. With all of that said, I will be doing some "breaking" changes to this site involving this Journal and the RSS feeds, so please be aware of that

Changes to My Blog

I will only be maintaining the symlinks from /journal/... to /blog/... until around November 1st, 2023. If you are linking to my blog, do keep in mind that links will break after that point. I apologize for that, but I want to make sure that I have the option to run my site on Plan9 in the future if I so choose, which doesn't support symlinks. Until around November 1st, 2023, all links to /blog/... will do a HTTP 309 Permanent Redirect or Gemini 31 Permanent Redirect.

Changes to My RSS Feeds

My journal RSS feed currently works at /feed, /feed.rss, /blog/feed, /blog/feed.rss /journal/feed, and /journal/feed.rss. That adds much more complexity than I would like. I also have RSS feeds at /games/feed, /games/feed.rss, /finger/feed, /finger/feed.rss. As you can see, these feeds can be requested with or without an extension. I plan to change that around November 1st, 2023.

My site's feeds will only be accessible at /journal/feed.rss, /games/feed.rss, and /finger/feed.rss. Until around November 1st, all of the other RSS feed links I mentioned in the previous paragraph will do an HTTP 309 Permanent Redirect or Gemini 31 Permanent Redirect. Please update the feed RSS links accordingly

The RSS feeds in /git/... will not be impacted.

In Summary

Before November 1st:

Blanket Fort Webring

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