🏠 vigrey.com

My Site Now Specifies Language

2023-12-31 - [52] 10:16

Super small update, but hopefully useful for accessibility, at least a little bit.

I updated bergelmir (my HTTP+Gemini+Gopher+Finger server) to allow me to specify languages for pages when folks visit my site using a Gemini client. I also updated huginn (my Gemtext file to HTML + Gophermap file converter) to specify languages for pages when folks visit my site using a web browser.

By default, all HTML and Gemtext files are "en", but there are a couple of pages that are "eo" (Esperanto). I hope to write a few more pages in Esperanto now that I can specify which language individual pages are in!

Blanket Fort Webring

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What the heck is this?