🏠 vigrey.com

Site Update - Offline Accessibility

2024-01-31 - [52] 11:17

For those who are subscribed to any of the RSS feeds on my site, whether over HTTP, Gemini, or Gopher, you might have noticed repeated posts pop onto your reader. Sorry about that. The reason is because I have been working on making my site a bit more "offline accessible".

By "offline accessible", I mean using only relative paths in the HTML pages of my website along with automatically redirecting to the gemtext or HTML page that is requested rather than leaving the address ambiguous. For instance, if you go to https://vigrey.com/git/ now, you'll be redirected to https://vigrey.com/git/index.html.

Removing path ambiguity is why RSS readers may duplicate my older posts before this one. The old paths will still work, but I wanted to be much more transparent about what resources web, gemini, and gopher clients are getting with a request.

A philosophy I hold dear and am trying to live by more and more is to make things "offline-first" to whatever degree possible wherever possible. It's a goal of mine to produce at least some useful content for someone out there, and them being able to access my site whenever, even without internet access, is a good thing in my opinion.

Offline version of the site

I hope to release ZIP files or a git repository of the full contents of my website at the very least, both the text-only version and the regular version. I'll probably do another journal post when I have a system set up for that. The goal is to allow someone to download the ZIP file or git repository (and extract the ZIP file if it's in ZIP file form) and explore it with a web browser just like they would via my web server. This should also allow my site to be mirrored much more easily if I need it mirrored. It might even make it possible for me to remove the http server code from bergelmir, simplifying bergelmir quite a bit.

Blanket Fort Webring

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