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ISS Real-Time Tracker

This NES ROM is an International Space Station tracker. ISS location data is sent to the console over the controller ports and displayed on the screen.

I wrote a blog post titled "International Space Station Tracker for the NES" that goes into more details about this project.

International Space Station Tracker for the NES

The project was also written about in a VICE article titled "Hack Lets You Track the International Space Station With an NES" written by Patrick Klepek

[HTTPS] Hack Lets You Track the International Space Station With an NES

Download the NES ROM

The source code was written back when I was grabbing and serving ISS tracking data from a NASA web page that is no longer available, so it will not be trivial to get this project running. I recommend looking into my Sattrak project instead. Either way, the ISS Real-Time Tracker ROM and source code are linked below.


Source Code

Blanket Fort Webring

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