🏠 vigrey.com

Vi Grey - Home

Hey, I'm Vi Grey! 👋

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I'm a software developer who tends to program in Go and also tends to make NES games in 6502 Assembly.

I am currently looking for full-time work in Software Development

My Resume (PDF)

This site is simultaneously hosted over HTTP(S) and Gemini (http://, https:// and gemini://) using server software I wrote. My Gemini version of my site is served using my program "Bergelmir" and the HTTP version of my site is served using my program "Aurgelmir".

Bergelmir Source Code

Aurgelmir Source Code

A tor hidden service ".onion" for this site is available as well over HTTP and Gemini at the following .onion address:


🧭 Explore this place

My Journal

My Resume (PDF)

My Projects

My Presentations

My Wiki

My Finger Log

My NES Projects

My Git Repositories

Programs and Hardware I Use

My Video Game Reviews

Books I Have Read

📧 My Socials

RSS Feeds

[Email] Email: vi@vigrey.com

📚 Resources

6502 Instruction Reference

Game Boy (DMG) Development Resources

US Ham Radio License Resources

Lacto-Fermentation Resources

NES Development Resources


Sun and Moon Calculations

Tarot Cards

The Havamal

🌐 Places I like on the Internet

[HTTP] Sarah Petkus's (ROBOHEMIAN) website

[HTTPS] Emily Velasco's projects

[HTTPS] Netspooky's website

[Gemini] dio9sys's gemini capsule

[HTTPS] Rek Bell's website

[HTTPS] Devine Lu Linvega's website

[HTTP] Tom 7's blog

[HTTPS] tmp.0ut zine

[HTTPS] LOW<-TECH MAGAZINE solar-powered website

[HTTPS] Matthew Graybosch's website

[HTTPS] pcloadletter blog


[HTTPS] XKCD comics

[HTTPS] Shavian alphabet info website

🤫 Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

🧑 Content is Human Made

No large language models (LLMs) were used in the production of this site or its contents

📃 Copyright

Assets and text are licensed by Vi Grey under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License unless stated otherwise

[HTTPS] Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License

CC BY 4.0 License legal code (TXT file)

Blanket Fort Webring

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