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a-knights-tour - File README.md


(abandoned project) A Knight's Tour for NES

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 I am placing this project here in case I don't work on it anymore.  Previous builds are available in bin/demo
 You can build the ROM in the root directory (the directory this file is in) and using `make`.  If you use `make zip`, the NES ROM will also be a ZIP file that contains the source code of the ROM, but also recent versions of FCEUX will not play that ROM file (older versions [I don't remember which version at this moment] should play it).  Mesen should be able to play any of these ROMs.
 Do with this as you wish.  I hate to admit it, but I'm abandoning this project and don't think I'll come back to it, due to other projects taking my time.
 The inspiration for this project was this youtube video by Nelson Dellis.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1ZtjLDog7M.
 The assembler I was using was asm6. You'll probably have to build asm6 from source.  Make sure the asm6 binary is named **asm** and that the binary is executable and accessible in your PATH. The source code can be found at **http://3dscapture.com/NES/asm6.zip**
 If I remember correctly, I have Standard NES controller, NES Power Pad, and SNES Mouse support built in already.
 My apologies for so few comments in the code.
 The ROM is build for NES-NROM-256 or HVC-NROM-256 board types for the NES or Famicom.  The mirroring should be able to be either Verticle or Horizontal in the current form of the ROM.

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