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neszip-example - File README.md


An NES ROM that is also a ZIP file that contains its own source code to make a new NES+ZIP file

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 # neszip Example
 An NES ROM that is also a ZIP file that contains its own source code to make a new NES+ZIP file
 **_neszip Example is created by Vi Grey (https://vigrey.com) <vi@vigrey.com> and is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.  Read LICENSE for license text._**
 #### A blog post with details about how this project works can be found at https://vigrey.com/blog/this-nes-rom-also-zip-file
 This projects was also featured on [Hackaday](https://hackaday.com/2018/02/06/this-nes-rom-is-a-zip-of-its-source)
 #### Description:
 This neszip example will create an NES ROM file that is also a ZIP file that contains its own source code.  Using the source code to build a the NES ROM file will also embed the ZIP file within it as well, making another NES ROM file that is also a ZIP file that contains its own source code.  This is a recursive NES ROM and ZIP polyglot file.
 The NES ROM can be burned onto a cartridge and it will still work as an NES game while retaining the ZIP file, so if the NES ROM is ripped from the cartridge, that resulting NES ROM file would also be a ZIP file.
 #### Platforms:
 - GNU/Linux
 #### Build Dependencies:
 - asm6 _(You'll probably have to build asm6 from source.  Make sure the asm6 binary is named **asm** and that the binary is executable and accessible in your PATH. The source code can be found at http://3dscapture.com/NES/asm6.zip)_
 - zip
 - Python 3
 #### Build NES ROM:
 From a terminal, go to the the main directory of this project (the directory this README.md file exists in), you can then build the NES ROM with the following command.
     $ make
 The resulting NES ROM will be located at **bin/neszip-example.nes**
 #### Cleaning Build Environment:
 If you used `make` to build the NES ROM, you can run the following command to clean up the build environment.
     $ make clean
 #### Unzipping the ROM:
 Your zip file extractor should be able to extract this file, although you may have to change the extension from **.nes** to **.zip** to make your zip file extractor work.

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